martes, 30 de diciembre de 2014

It is not healthy compromise with the disease (about Fukushima)

Since, in March 2011, a tsunami fatally affected the Fukushima nuclear reactors, the sequence of incidents has gone on, causing the concern of locals and foreigners. There have been leaks of contaminated water into the sea, or leakage of the tanks that store it. Often the alarms about contamination levels area are triggered in Fukushima, adjacent or remote areas.
Regardless of the importance of these levels, what seems incontrovertible is that, nearly three years after the accident, the problem of the radioactive water not only improves itself but is getting worse.
Groups opposed to the nuclear energy (and scientific evidences) indicate that the contamination released by the accident of Fukushima entails a threat for future generations. The facts seem to corroborate such hypothesis.

Risk Area
The solutions are slow. That means that a large part of the population keeps exposed to radiation (harmful levels) in Fukushima Prefecture and other areas, while areas with similar contamination were quickly evacuated in the former USSR after the Chernobyl accident.
Concealment is still the norm, as the Japanese doctors got the commandment not to inform their patients about the health problems associated with radiation.
Radioactive elements, whose life continues for hundreds or thousands of years, such as tritium, cesium or noble gases like xenon, krypton and argon, impair DNA causing genetic mutations, congenital ailments, cancer in various organs and delays in mental development.
Another obvious threat is contamination of the Pacific Ocean by the radioactive reactor water, stored in more than 1,000 tanks, whose strength is in question. Some sources report that the nuclear plant “would have discharged every day in the Pacific Ocean 300 tons of radioactive water for the past two and a half years”.
The Portal Euronews refers to a report on the incidence of thyroid cancer in children living in Fukushima Prefecture. According to it, “there are eighteen confirmed cases and twenty-five under suspicion on a sample of three hundred and sixty thousand children and adolescents. None of the previous studies had showed such large numbers”.
Many world citizens thinking about Cipango paraphrase the Krishnamurti’s aphorism that states “it isn’t healthy to be well adapted to a sick society” 
Damage’s evidence
A comprehensive survey would collect many collateral damage of Fukushima. Here we will do mention only two.
·Evidence of butterflies
With a short life cycle, the butterfly allows quick observation of evolution in their generations. There have been found anomalies in the wings (smaller and bent) antennae deformities, damaged eyes and shorter legs. Researchers at the University of Okinawa reported that mutations multiply rapidly between generations, and the damage does not subside, but it is inherited even if one parent is healthy.
·Mental pathologies’ rising
Humans do not do better, and to physiological problems mental health related problems must be added. Alcoholism rates to combat anxiety have increased dramatically. Those who do not drink are at risk of falling into depression, and stress is growing because of the fear to falling ill, among other reasons, by eating contaminated food.
The damage is obvious, but it just do not transcend in a resigned and hard-wearing society as the Japanese. Therefore, many world citizens thinking about Cipango paraphrase the Krishnamurti’s aphorism that states “it isn’t healthy to be well adapted to a sick society”.

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